Window or Mirror book

Credit to Unsplash Photos for this photo. Hi, I’m going to talk about a book I recently read called When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson. This book is a graphic novel based on a true story about a kid in Dubai who is a refugee. This kid’s name is Omar Mohamed. This book is Read More…

Why UNC is a better team than Duke

Image from Newspaper Hi I’m Reese and this is why I think UNC is better than Duke. My first reason is that UNC’s men basketball team is pretty good but Duke’s is also pretty good. UNC has won 7 titles and Duke has won 6. It’s pretty close but UNC has more titles so therefore Read More…

Labor Day Weekend

Over Labor Day weekend, I worked at my mom’s store called Purple Puddle, Puddle Baby. I usually work the cash register but this time I helped with inventory. Inventory is when we take all of our summer stuff such as clothes, napkins, shoes , etc and we put it in storage. After that we take Read More…